Section 1.  The Bylaws of the Southern California Chess Federation (SCCF) may be amended by the Board of Directors and thus are subservient to the Constitution which may only be amended by the membership.


Section 2.  The Bylaws of the SCCF control all activities of the SCCF not specifically regulated or prohibited by the Constitution.





Section 1.  The territory and jurisdiction of the SCCF, as recognized by the United States Chess Federation (USCF), is defined by postal zip codes 90000 through 93199 and 93300 through 93599.





Section 1.  Any group that has a purpose consistent with the SCCF may affiliate with the SCCF.


Section 2.  Any group authorized to sponsor an SCCF sanctioned tournament which has been approved by the Board or by an appropriately empowered committee will be considered an affiliate until the conclusion of the event.


Section 3.  Except for sponsors of sanctioned tournaments, specific approval by the Board is required for any group to be considered an affiliate of the SCCF.  This approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.


Section 4.  Affiliates are not agents of the SCCF and have no rights or powers to represent the SCCF except as may be granted and restricted as part of written agreements approved by the Board and signed by the President, or in his absence, the Vice President.





Section 1.  The membership, at its annual membership meeting, may pass resolutions by simple majority of those present.  These resolutions are advisory only; the Board shall consider them within a six-month period.



Section 1.  Regular meetings of the Board shall be conducted a  minimum of six (6) times per year.


Section 2.  Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by five (5) members of the Board as follow:


     A written notice including time, place, and reason for the special meeting must be mailed to all Board members at least ten (10) days in advance.


     Special meetings must be for a specific purpose.


     Business conducted at a special meeting must be strictly limited to the announced specific purpose.





Section 1.  The agenda shall be prepared or approved by the President prior to the meeting.


Section 2.  The agenda for regular Board meetings shall include the following:


     Call to order and President's remarks

     Approval of the agenda

     Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

     Treasurer's report

     Membership report

     Committee reports

     Old business

     New business

     Set time and place for next meeting



Section 3.  Topics of new business may be present to the Secretary or the President prior to the meeting.  They shall be added to the agenda before the agenda is approved.  Additional topics during the meeting require approval of an amendment to the agenda by the Board, before the matter can be taken up.


Section 4.  All regular meetings of the Board may be recorded on audio tape.


Section 5.  The acceptance of Committee reports shall not be construed as authorizing action items.  Committees shall present separate motions for action items.



Section 1.  The Treasurer shall prepare annual and interim statements of accounts in formats approved by the Board.


Section 2.  Early in each fiscal year, the President shall arrange a joint meeting of the President, the Treasurer and the Chairman of the Finance Committee.  The agenda for this meeting shall include:


     Recommendations to the Board for changes in formats or contents of statements.


     Review of existing operating plans and budgets.


     Identifying areas in these plans which may need revision.


     Providing for the periodic reporting to the Board of the


     comparison between actual statements and budgeted amounts. 




Section 1.  The standing committees of the SCCF, and their functions, are as follows:


     Clubs and Leagues Committee.  The committee reports on activities of chess clubs, and leagues in Southern California and is responsible for programs to promote, develop and support these activities.


     Constitution and By-Laws Committee.  The committee shall


     review and prepare proposals to amend the SCCF Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules.


     Finance Committee.  The committee shall prepare and monitor budgets, audit SCCF financial records. advise the Treasurer and Board concerning financial controls and statements.


     National Events Committee.  The committee shall recommend and prepare the SCCF bids for National Events and the formation of appropriate sub-committees to administer these events when the bids are accepted.


     Public Relations Committee.  The committee shall be responsible for programs to promote the SCCF and chess in general to non-members and the general public.


     Publications Committee.  The committee shall recommend improvements in the overall publication of RANK AND FILE and any other publications as authorized by the Board.

     Scholastic Committee.


         The committee shall recommend and administer programs for the promotion of chess in schools of all levels, and shall hold or sanction events to award appropriate scholastic and junior state titles.


         The committee shall propose and administer non-scholastic youth chess programs and activities throughout the year.


     Title Events Committee.  The committee shall organize or sanction adult state title events approved by the Board, including, but not limited to, the Southern California Open annually, and an annual or semi-annual playoff for the Southern California Invitational Championship.


     Tournament Development Committee.  The committee shall:


         Organize or sanction at least one playoff qualifying event in each Southern California county annually.


         Promote and administer any regional or interstate competitions approved by the Board, unless specifically referred to another committee by the Board.


         Promote new USCF-rated tournaments in areas of Southern California where such have been lacking.


         Develop qualified tournament directors and organizers where such are lacking.


         The preferred role of the committee shall be sanctioning local affiliates, organizers and directors, rather than direct sponsorship.  Whenever responsible local sponsors are available, they will be given the opportunity to assume sponsorship of local events previously administered by SCCF.


     Women's Committee.  The committee shall be responsible for programs to increase chess competition by and among women.


Section 2.  The recurrent committees of the SCCF and their functions are as follows:


     Election Board.  The committee shall administer the annual nominations and elections process, as specified in the constitution, by-laws, or standing rules.  The committee shall be formed no later than April 1 of each year, will include at least three Board members not running for reelection that year, and will serve until the end of the first Board meeting after election results are certified.


     USCF Representation Committee.  The committee shall recommend a slate of USCF delegates, voting members and alternate voting members to represent Southern California.  The committee shall be formed no later than August 1 and shall contact all suggested individuals to ascertain their willingness to serve and shall present an ordered slate to the Board at the first meeting of the new Board year.



Section 3.  Other committees may be formed as needed at the discretion of the Board.  Committees not name as standing or recurring above may not exist for more than three years unless pre-approved by the Board or added to the above categories by amendment of the By-Laws.


Section 4.  Committee chairmen shall be appointed by the President subject to ratification by the Board.  The President shall nominate chairman for all standing committees at the first Board meeting after the annual SCCF election.


Section 5.  Committee members may be appointed by the President, the Chairman, or may volunteer, subject to acceptance by the Chairman.  The roster of members for each committee, and any changes thereto, must be approved by the Board.  All committee members must be current members of SCCF.


Section 6.  A list of the membership of all committees, including address and telephone number of the chairman, shall be published no later than the next issue of RANK AND FILE following the second Board meeting after each annual SCCF election.


Section 7.  In general, committees are empowered to administer existing programs and propose changes only.  Exceptions to previous practice, as well as major policy changes must be approved by the Board.  Between meetings, changes must be approved by the President and committee chairman, to be ratified by the Board at the next meeting.





Section 1.  Regular SCCF members as of July 1, and others who become regular members before the close of the polls are entitled to vote in the general election, which is conducted by mail ballot or by voting in person on election day at the Southern California Open on Labor Day weekend.


Section 2.  The report of the Election Board shall include:


     A list of all qualified SCCF members receiving votes and the number of votes received by each.


     The vote count for any other issues on the ballot.


     The number of ballots disqualified, the reasons for the disqualification, and the number disqualified for each reason.


     The signatures of at least two Election Board members, certifying the accuracy of the report.


Section 3.  The report of the Election Board shall be given to the previous President and the previous Secretary.  If neither retains a Board seat as evidenced by the results of the election, the report will be given in writing to two of the previous Board members elected the prior year for two-year terms.


Section 4.  At its first meeting after the general election, the Board shall certify the election results.  The Secretary shall retain the ballots for six (6) months after which, if there is no challenge, they will be destroyed.


Section 5.  In the event that two or more candidates shall tie for the last (eighth) Board seat in an election year, the tie shall be broken by the elected and present Board members in a secret ballot taken at the first Board meeting.





Section 1.  The first order of business after a general election, or after a vacancy in a Board position or an office is declared, will be the filling of the vacant Board position(s) followed by the election of new or replacement officers.


Section 2.  The previous President will preside until his successor is elected.  However, if the previous President is no longer a Board member, then the previous Vice-President, followed by the Election Board Chairman, will preside until a new President is elected.


Section 3.  The election for any contest office will be by secret ballot.


Section 4.  Officers will be elected sequentially in the order listed in Article VIII of the Constitution.





Section 1.  Officers may be removed from office by a majority of the full Board voting "no confidence".  If an officer is removed, the election of a successor will become the first order of business.

Section 2.  A vote of censure may be taken against any Board member alleged to have acted improperly.  Passage requires a majority of the full Board.  This is a less strict penalty than removal from the Board under Article XII of the Constitution which requires a 3/4 majority of the Board.


Section 3.  Suspension or revocation of SCCF membership requires a 2/3 vote of those Board members present, after the member has been given due process, including a chance to reply to the changes against him.


Section 4.  Due Process.  Suspension or revocation.  Any Board member may move to suspend or revoke a membership.  Upon approval of 2/3 majority of the members present, the Secretary shall send a notification of pending suspension or revocation to the subject member, by certified mail with return receipt requested.  This notification shall include (1) a notice of the charges against him and (2) information advising the member of his right to contest the charges within a 60-day period.  The member may contest the charges by appearing at the next Board meeting or by writing a letter to the Secretary.


If the member does not respond within 60 days, his membership shall be considered suspended or revoked.


If the member does not respond within 60 days, the Board, at the following meeting shall review and act upon the case.  If a motion of affirmation, requiring a 2/3 majority of Board members present, is passed, the subject's membership shall be suspended or revoked.




Section 1.  Standing Rules are defined as Board actions which have a long term policy effect not in conflict with the Constitution or Bylaws.


Section 2.  Standing rules are limited to an effective period of no more than three (3) years.  A shorter effective period may be specified in the original motion or by later Board action.


Section 3.  At the end of the effective period, standing rules become null and void, unless specifically extended by a Board vote or made into a Bylaw.


Section 4.  Standing Rules may be adopted or amended or voided at any time by a simple majority of those Board members present at any Board meeting.





Section 1.  Proposed Bylaws amendments may be submitted by any member of SCCF.


Section 2.  Amendments to Bylaws may only be considered at meetings for which an advance written proposed amendment was mailed to all Board members at least three (3) weeks in advance.  Only amendments relevant to proposed Bylaw topics mentioned in the above written notice may be considered.


Section 3.  Passage of a Bylaws amendment requires a 2/3 majority of the full Board.



Adopted March 16, 1991